Who we are
Martin Bulpitt Counsellor, Eaton VIllage, Nr Cumnor, Oxfordshire, OX13 5PR
Our website address is: https://martinbulpittcounselling.com
My work as a counsellor complies with the General Data Protection Regulation protocols (GDPR):
Only information relevant to our work will be obtained at the first session: Name, address, contact details, date of birth and any relevant history. Also brief notes will be kept of our sessions – the reason for this is to help me track progress and possibly take to my counselling supervisor for discussion and guidance.
All these details will be written on paper, coded for anonymity and kept in a locked and secure cabinet. No one will have access to these notes.
You have the right to see the information and notes, if ever you so wish to do so and discuss and amend them accordingly.
The information and notes will be destroyed after three years from the time that we finish working together.
This privacy policy will form part of our written agreement that will be discussed and signed at our first session together.